Again, not much time for commentry, but here are some random photos from my camera.
^ One of my kids at Beitang. :)
^ The duck is my doing, as is the handwriting. Haha.
^I also have a Romulan in my class. I imagine she'll look like this when she's older:
^ That duck is awesome.
^ In English corner on Friday, I had my class write a story, each reading out one sentance to construct the above. Originally it read "Her boyfriend, Joe, called her" but I changed it when they got to the end. :-P
^ Probably one of my cutest students, Betty! :)
^ Then, random snap of some of the awesome English you find around. This bed sheet was out drying. "Hope it was happy." Yes... I hope it was.
I'm off out again now, ta-tar! :)
Joe, that story your kids wrote is a little disturbing... Or did I read the last bit wrong???
Hope you're starting to feel better after getting hit by the bike. Always check the traffic in both directions! Hayles xxx