Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Today I woke up at about 7am for another webcam chat with the folks. Then I watched some Heroes / Lost to pass a few hours waiting for Tim to get his lazy ass outta bed. ( anyone who knows how much I sleep in England will know this to be amazing. )

We grabbed some breakfast - I think I had some KFC chicken; I can't really remember. Then at 12:00 we headed to school to see what was in store. It turns out we'd be teaching random kids on the street English lessons.
We headed down towards the city square with about 8 of the Chinese teachers. They'd go out and basically kidnap kids from their parents, and bring them to us. Once we had a sizeable crowd. (around 15-20 kids) we'd start teaching them basic English. We'd introduce ourselves, asks their names, find out how much English they knew, then teach them some basic stuff like colours, animals, body parts or numbers. We'd then play a few games with them, giving out prizes to the best performers. At the end of each 'lesson' all the kids would get a voucher to take to our school to get a gift. It also had info on lessons and stuff... really cool, street / guerilla marketing.
It was super strange having such crowds of people around us, but I really, really enjoyed it. We're doing the same tomorrow so I'll definately take some photos, so come back tomorrow for a bunch of Chinese people staring at me.

In the evening we went to the Kung Fu restaurant. It's a themed restaurant where the theme is... yup... you guessed it; Kung Fu. Here's a few photos showing the decor:

^ I believe that calligraphy on the wall is basically instructions for a kung fu style.

^ Awesome bamboo walls with some weapons on the wall. You might be able to make out the waiting staffs' outfits too. Lil' kung fu uniforms.

^ Apparently its traditional to drink beer from a saucer. So I drank my light [psh!] beer from a saucer! I felt like a cat.

^ We didn't know what to order, so we told them to bring anything. The dish on the right was full of meat. T'was tasty.

^ That's my "This food is pretty f**king good, hurry up and take the photo so I can eat / drink some more" face.

We walked home a long and obscure way to see some of the roads less travelled. Another brief chat with my parents, then bed.


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