Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive


So, Woke up, still with my cold so had a lay-in until about 11 to try sleep it off - didn't work. Headed into school to pick up my pay, then headed to the duck shop to meet up with the guy I've dubbed "Dwayne" (his Chinese name sounds like Dway - ne) As well as owning the duck-shop, and instructing skating, he also co-owns a skate store in one of the malls. We headed down there so I could pick up a pair of skates. China has it's own 'brands' of skates, which are all wierd immitations of western brands, but with the relative popularity of Freestyle Slalom Skating over here they've grown into their own. I'd done a little research on the t'internet before going down there but Dwayne knows his stuff and he wasn't trying to take me for a ride. He sold me this pair of skates for 15% less than the tag-price, and even gave me a free bag to kart them round in.

With my purchase complete, me and Tim headed to Xi'an to meet Aya (who is returning after what seems like only 3-4 days away!) We met up and tried to find Tim a skateboard in Xi'an, but there weren't really any decent ones around, other than the usual junk you'd find in the Argos catalogue or whatever.
Tired and still sniffling and sneezing, we headed home. We arrived home at about 20:30, and I walked through the door to find my skates staring at me longingly. I had to try them out, so a quick phone call to Dwayne asking the question "McDonalds?" I heard the answer I was looking for- "Yes." I donn'd my skates and headed down to the area outside McDonalds where we usually skate. I was exhausted from the day, but managed about 60minutes of skating. I headed home to get some rest and hopefully get over this freaking cold!

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